Ok, not really.
But as I begin to live in a never ending stream of social networks and they all start linking together in this crazy web, I can't help but wonder if I should have multiple aliases. And then I call bullshit on that.
I often get nervous tweeting about mom stuff because a lot of my twitter connections are work peeps. But I bring my whole self to work - mom and all - so why not bring my whole self online? Still, I wonder what they would think if I tweeted about how super rad it is(n't) to sit in the lactation room and accidentally spill my hard-earned milk on the floor. Maybe not interesting if you are looking for me to spout wisdom from on high about the coolest plannery stuff out in the plannersphere, but MY GOD there are already a million people who do that.
This is what I know. And, frankly, this is what I do best. Play in both worlds. I mean, I go whole hog. I don't have a work "game face." You wouldn't be surprised by what I say when we're out having beers together because I probably said it once or twice at work. And you certainly wouldn't be surprised by my family. I'm not one of those people at work who you KNOW have a family, but you never really see or hear much about them. It's like they try to keep that world so far removed it becomes creepy.
So, no multiple aliases for me. There are enough planners and ad people in the world talking about trends and the newest article on Fast Company or PSFK. I'll let them do that work. I'll post interesting stuff from that world, too - don't get me wrong. But I might also post about comic books or breastfeeding or toddler meltdowns and the coolest kid gear. I tried for a few years to blog different things. Once just mom shit. Once just work shit. Both sucked. Because I'm not just a mom and I am not one of those awesome mom bloggers who can wax poetic about spit up and drinking a cocktail in one hand while reading a bedtime story in the other. And I am definitely not one of those people who is so into work I eat and breath it and then regurgitate it out for you to marvel in it's awesomeness.
I'm just me. Name's Jodi, nice to meetcha. Glad to be back live on the interwebs.
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